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Eggs, 1 dz

Eggs, 1 dz

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1 dozen USDA Grade A Large brown eggs from hens raised on pasture

Raised in Altoona, KS by Hedge Valley Farms using regenerative management practices. 

Eggs are a perfect protein, containing a balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, and are packed with nutrients.

Strong, dark yolks are perfect for fried eggs, ice cream, baked goods, and hard-boiled eggs.

Eggs from pasture-raised hens (compared to commercially-raised hens) have:

  • 30% more vitamin A (evident in darker yolks)
  • Double the amount of vitamin E
  • 2.5x more Omenga-3 content
  • 3-6x higher Vitamin D levels

(Karsten, HD et al. “Vitamins A, E and fatty acid composition of the eggs of caged hens and pastured hens.” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 25.01 (2010): 45-54.)

Hedge Valley Farms laying hens are guests of the Cackleberry Castle, our portable henhouse on wheels. The chickens scratch through the grass, eating newly exposed insects like grasshoppers, crickets, and worms. We move them to fresh pasture every few days, depending on weather to cover as much ground as possible. They follow the cattle herd to spread manure and eat protein-rich larvae. They are supplemented with local grains.

Egg License #: 7394

KDA Wholesale #: 2595

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